• 上海搜博实业2014年终总结暨2015新年联欢会

  • SONBEST 2014 year-end summary and 2015 New Year's party

       On the afternoon of January 31, 2015, on a cold winter day and the warm sun was shining brightly, Shanghai Sobo Industrial's 2014 year-end summary and 2015 New Year's party was grandly held at the Bailian Harvest Hotel in Hongkou. The whole party lasted five hours, including the chairman's speech, the general manager's annual work summary, all the staff lottery and karaoke and other links. During the party, the applause sounded several times and the laughter came one after another. The audience was always filled with an uplifting, enterprising, warm and happy atmosphere, which was brilliant and bright.
        Highlight 1: Exciting 2014 development vision. At the beginning of the meeting, Chairman Guo Nairong defined the work of Shanghai Sobo in 2014, namely "the year of consolidation", and set the tone for the work of 2015, namely the "year of development". Then, the general manager Mr. Guo explained in detail. Mr. Guo said that before 2014, Shanghai Sobo experienced rapid expansion. In 2014, the foundation was consolidated through system reform. Then 2015 will be a year for Sobo to seek great development.
        Highlight 2: The scene of this annual meeting is more luxurious and grand than previous ones. First of all, the Bailian Harvest Hotel in Hongkou was chosen for this annual meeting. The interior decoration and service quality of the hotel surpassed the hotels selected in previous annual meetings.
        Highlight 3: The number of participants in this annual meeting is the highest in the past. The number of employees reached 18, plus some family representatives and a number of partners, the total number of people attending the meeting was more than 30. Among them, many family representatives have participated in Shanghai Sobo's annual meeting several times, and they are already very familiar with the company's leaders and some senior employees. At the subsequent dinner for all staff, the company's chairman Guo Nairong and general manager Guo also thanked some family representatives individually for their support, understanding and silent dedication to the development of Sobo when they toasted from table to table.
        Highlight 4: The most exciting part is the lottery for all staff. This year’s lottery is very special because the company has prepared prizes for everyone. With the enthusiasm of the employees, the old employees first started to draw the lottery one by one. Everyone paid attention to the stage. In the end, the grand prize was taken away by the production department, and everyone offered their blessings.
        Highlight 5: Finally, everyone went to sing karaoke together, and ended the party happily in the singing.
        After crossing the river in 2014, there is no room for slack. The sea in 2015 is already in front of us, the water is deep and the waves are wide, waiting for us to sail. "There will be times when the wind and waves break, and the sails will hang on the clouds to help the sea". Let all our employees unite closely and cooperate together. Under the joint efforts of Mr. Guo, we will sail together and set off! Set off! !

                           Chairman Guo's speech

    On the afternoon of January 31, 2015, on a cold winter day and the warm sun was shining brightly, Shanghai Sobo Industrials 2014 year-end summary and 2015 New Years party was grandly held at the Bailian Harvest Hotel in Hongkou. The whole p