• 搜博工作人员配合上海康煦进行大棚宝项目施工

  • Sobo staff cooperated with Shanghai Kangxu to carry out the construction of the greenhouse project

    Shanghai Kangxu Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is a smart device company, and some of its greenhouse projects use our company's temperature and humidity, light, carbon dioxide, soil moisture and other sensors . In order to cooperate with its project implementation, on September 9, 2015, our staff went to the site for inspection and maintenance.
    Shanghai Kangxu Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., as an enterprise of intelligent equipment, uses our company's temperature and humidity, light intensity, carbon dioxide, soil moisture and other sensors for some of its greenhouse projects
     Our staff and
    Kang Xu discusses her work

    Construction by Kang Xu staff on site

    Sobo staff conduct system testing

    Shanghai Kangxu Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is a smart device company, and some of its greenhouse projects use our companys temperature and humidity, light, carbon dioxide, soil moisture and other sensors . In order to cooperate with i